who we are

Titus Brandsma Memorial

The Titus Brandsma Memorial is a project of the Carmel Order in the Netherlands.
Titus Brandsma was a member of this worldwide monastic order.

More information about the Carmel Order in the Netherlands: www.karmel.nl.
And about the Carmel Order worldwide: www.ocarm.org/en.


The activities of the Titus Brandsma Memorial are supported by the efforts of over 100 volunteers. Thanks to them the church is open to visitors every day and they also take care of the maintenance of the garden and the website.


We are always happy when new volunteers want to join our legion. We are especially looking for volunteers for churchwarden and garden maintenance.

Gerard, een van de vrijwilligers, hier werkend in de tuin


The Titus Brandsma Memorial Foundation takes care of the management of the Titus Brandsma Memorial. This foundation has an ANBI status.

Mr. Harry Faassen is chairman of the board of the foundation. For more information about the board members, annual report etc. see the ANBI page.

Harry Faassen


The daily management of the Titus Brandsma Memorial has been entrusted to Sr. Marieke Rijpkema o.carm.

She can be reached at: titusbrandsma@karmel.nl and 024 – 360 24 21 (on weekdays from 9.30 – 12.30 a.m., at other times you can leave a message on the answering machine).

Marieke Rijpkema

Elia Community

De werkgroep Eliagemeenschap draagt de verantwoordelijkheid voor de liturgievieringen op zondagmorgen en de doordeweekse avonden.
Voorzitter is zr. Laetitia Aarnink JMJ. Haar e-mail adres is: jgaarnink@hetnet.nl.

zr. Laetitia Aarnink

The Karmel

De Karmelcommmuniteit van Nijmegen draagt de verantwoordelijkheid voor de psalmvieringen, stiltevieringen en de Regelvieringen.
Over de Karmelcommuniteit Nijmegen: www.karmel.nl/karmel-nijmegen.


There is no longer a pastor associated with the Titus Brandsma Memorial Church.